Friday, March 25, 2011

Week of April 4-8, Letters to Greg from students

Hi everyone,
This week you will pretend to be a student in either Pakistan or Afghanistan.
In Google Docs, write a letter to Greg Mortenson.
  1. Introduce yourself (as if you are student from Pakistan or Afghanstan).

  2. Tell Greg Mortenson why you want to go to school.

  3. Tell Greg Mortenson why you appreciate his work.

  4. Closing.
Post your letter on our blog.

Then read two other students letters and respond.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week of March 28-April 1, Pennies for Peace

Hi everyone, Today we are going to learn about Pennies for Peace, the organization that helps to support Greg Mortenson's work. Please visit the website for Pennies for Peace. In Google Docs, please answer the questions below. Then paste your answers into a post on our blog.:

  1. Click on the link on the top that says "For Kids!". What is the value of a penny?

  2. On the left side of this page is a link that says "feature village". What did you learn about this village?

  3. On the left side of this page is a link that says "feature school". What did you learn about this school.

  4. On the left side of this page is a link that says "Afghanistan facts". Name three facts you learned about Afghanistan.

  5. On the left side of this page is a link that says, "Pakistan facts". Name three facts you learned about Pakistan.

  6. Now click on the link on the top that says "Media". Choose the TV show option and watch at least one video about Greg Mortenson or Three Cups of Tea or Pennies for Peace. Write down what it was about.

  7. Read another students' entry and write a comment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week of March 21-25, Geography for Three Cups of Tea

Today we are going to think about geography.

Please look carefully at these maps of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Then in MS Word, answer the questions below:

  1. How does where one lives affect how one lives? (be sure to think about location, climate, soil, vegetation, animal life, human interaction)

  2. Write a journal entry of an imaginary day in your life in Afghanistan or Paksitan. What would your day be like? Think about what you eat, what you wear, what you do for fun.

  3. Do the same thing now for a real day in your life here.

  4. How are your days different or the same?

  5. Look at two other classmates' entries and write a response to them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week of March 14-18, Three Cups of Tea

Hi everyone,

Today we are going to begin to explore the incredible work of Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea and founder of Pennies for Peace, an organization working to build schools for girls living in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Please watch this video to learn about him. His section begins at19.23 minutes, so please scroll ahead in the time bar to that piece.
Then, in MS Word, please answer the questions below:
1. What did you learn from the video?
2. What inspires you about Greg Mortenson?

3. If he came to our class, what three questions would you ask him?

4. Read and respond to someone else's post.
We will begin the book Three Cups of Tea on Friday and we will be raising money for Pennies for Peace!