This week we will determine our grades.
- I am using a program called Engrade to calculate your grades. Please go to theEngrade website to register and see your grades. You need your access code to do this, which you can find on the strip of paper I've given you.
- Now please answer the questions below in Google Docs:
- What did you enjoy about class this marking period? Why? Please refer to specific activities, projects, workshops, etc.
- What didn't you enjoy and why? Please be specific.
- Do you feel you have changed in any way as a result of your participation in this class? If yes, how?
- Were there any activities/projects/topics that I didn't cover that you want us to cover?Which ones?
- What can I do to make the class better for you (aside from no homework J )? Please be specific.
- What advice can you give to your classmates to make their experience in this class more meaningful?
- Where are you doing community service? How many hours have you done so far? What have you learned or gained from volunteering?
- Fill in the blanks..."From class this marking period, one thing I will take is _______________ and one thing I will give is ________________."