Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week of April 30, Creating Workshop for Teachers about Bullying

Hi everyone,

Our principal, Orlando Sarmiento, would like our class to create a workshop for teachers about Bullying, which will include a screening of the film Bully.

Today I would like you to work with two other students (on one computer) and help plan for the workshop.

You and your team should do the following (written in your google drive):

  1. Create an icebreaker to use with the teachers. An icebreaker is like a game, that will help participants relax and feel welcome. The icebreaker should be about bullying in schools. It should involve movement and discussion questions. Perhaps you can include statistics/information about bullying in this section.
  2. Create 3 questions to ask teachers before showing the film (pre-screening questions).
  3. Create 3 questions teachers should answer while watching the film.
  4. Create 3 questions teachers should answer after watching the film (post-screening).
  5. List any other ideas you have to make this a successful workshop.
When you have completed this, please post your ideas to our blog. Then read the ideas of other teams and give constructive feedback (what you think is useful about their ideas, any suggestions you have (respectful suggestions).


Ms Mann

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week of April 23, Grades and Fighting Bullying

Hi everyone,

This week we will determine our grades and then fight against bullying.
  • As you know, I am using a program called Engrade to calculate your grades. Please go to the Engrade website to register and see your grades. 
  • Now please answer the questions below in Google Docs:
  1. What did you enjoy about class this marking period? Why? Please refer to specific activities, projects, workshops, etc.
  2. What didn't you enjoy and why? Please be specific.
  3. Do you feel you have changed in any way as a result of your participation in this class? If yes, how?
  4. Were there any activities/projects/topics that I didn't cover that you want us to cover?Which ones?
  5. What can I do to make the class better for you (aside from no homework)? Please be specific.
  6. What advice can you give to your classmates to make their experience in this class more meaningful?
  7. Where are you doing community service? How many hours have you done so far? What have you learned or gained from volunteering?
  8. Fill in the blanks..."From class this marking period, one thing I will take is _______________ and one thing I will give is ________________."
Now, post your answers as a comment to our class blog.

When you finish...we will use our blog to fight against bullying.

Please visit this wonderful PBS website.

While you are there, you can find answers to the questions below.

  1. What is bullying?
  2. Who is a bully?
  3. Who is a target?
  4. How can you handle it?
  5. What are innocent bystanders?
  6. What is online bullying?
Please type your answers in Google Docs and then post them to our blog.

Also, please do the following:

  1. Play the interactive games on the website to beat the bully!
  2. Vote in their poll on the homepage
Finally, here are some other great websites to visit. Check them out and write a review of you three favorites in the comments section of our blog. Then check out what your friends wrote about the other sites.

Ms Mann

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week of April 16, Earth Day

Hi everyone, 

Before we start today, please email your welcoming story as an HTML attachment to:

  1. Me: Jmann6@schools.nyc.gov
  2. Your buddy at Eagle Tech Academy (on a slip of paper)
  3. Post it to First Person American if you weren't able to do so before. They have fixed the problem on their website.

Next, Concern is partnering with a new global education organization called United Classrooms (UClass) to feature an online Earth Day project throughout the month of April.

In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd,  students (grades K-12) have the chance to create projects which explore environmental challenges in the developing world and to creatively think about solutions to addressing them. The best part is students get to share their projects with other students from 60 different countries around the world! 

The project is now open and ends May 3rd. Four classroom winners will be selected and announced on May 5th and will have their class' picture posted on the UClass website, the GCC website, and will receive a class set of prizes from UClass. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for us.

Please visit this website to register!

Your username is name@humanrights. (example, I'd be julie@humanrights) and your password is 123456. This is where you complete your registration.

Now go to this website.  Read about the projects for grades 6-12. Pick a project and begin working!! You will be able to upload your work with your registration name!!

Have fun and good luck!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week of April 9, MDG Online Program

Hi everyone,

Today we will participate in

Before we do, make sure you upload your amazing Welcoming Story to the First Person American website.

Now, we will participate in a project for the UN Millennium Development Goals. Last week marked the beginning of the last 1,000 days to achieve the UN's Millennium Development Goals by the deadline. Momentum 1000 is hosting 1000 minutes of digital conversation (talks, tweets, webcasts, etc.) about what needs to be done during this crucial time. 

Please visit this website to learn more

Click on the banner at the bottom to enter the 1000 days of action site. There read about every goal, and share information about each one with friends using email. Watch the video in the middle of the page.

Please answer these questions in your Google Drive and post your answers to our blog:

  1. Which 3 goals are most important to you and why?
  2. What do you think you can do personally to help achieve them?
After you post your own answers, read 2 classmates posts and write replies.